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"Copywriters use words as
tools to
persuade & motivate
an audience...

...This is the
essence of effective copy"

Richard Bayan



Since the #1 question people often ask me privately is: "Brendan... just what is copywriting?". In case that giant quote up top didn't help answer that question.

"Copywriters persuade & motivate...This is effective copy".

Now, I want to be crystal clear on the word "persuade". In case it made people feel a bit uneasy. I don't mean anything unethical here. By this we simply show your audience what you have to offer so they can decide to improve an area in their life. Completely their choice. That's what we're talking about ok?

Simple as that.

So if your product or service is helpful then it should be seen by those who want or maybe even need it right now. We're talking about the kind of people typing into Google looking for what you have this second. People signing up to an e-mail list wondering if you can solve their problems (Which is why they signed in the 1st place).

Or worse, they find your competitor because they're one step ahead of you...

{For those who already understand the value of a copywriter. Click anywhere on this sentence & you can contact me directly}

To explain it in another way copy in the internet is kinda like Aspirin for pain.

Let me explain.

Let's say you have a friend or family member who has a headache. For some crazy reason they never heard of Aspirin. Wouldn't you try everything you could so they take the medicine you have in order for their pain to go away?

Of course you would, By telling them about how it can help them.

Out there in the "internet world". Lots of people could be in pain right now... could be money worries, relationship troubles, weight problems, digital marketing frustrations or anything that causes stress in people's lives. 

And you could have the solution they're looking for.

Yet they cannot find you...

Digital problems or physical worries. Either professional or personal problems. Its up to the Copywriter (me) to showcase what you have for those who need it ASAP.  To help those who are looking for solutions are able to find you. 

Yet your potential prospects don't know about you or your business because you haven't a Copywriter on your marketing team to help you out. To make it possible that your prospects can find you. Or help those who are already on your list yet they're not moving forward to improve their lives. :( 

Question is, are you ready to help them improve their lives?

If yes, great.

Next step is to get in touch so we can see if I can help you out with your copywriting by going to this page.

Using the same principles that gave birth to these pieces of copy.

However, in case we don't know each other enough yet then feel free to check out the About Me section by clicking here. 

Speak shortly,

Brendan Ducie

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