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Hey there, out of the dozens of websites out there I'm glad you found this one.

Good to meet you.

The picture on the right is of course me (Brendan Ducie).

Your future copywriter :)

Born & raised in Ireland (1992). It makes sense why I'm drawn to writing being an introvert by nature. Probably because I grew up in rural Ireland where there's more farms & fields than people. Pretty sure the quiet country life didn't suit me after all those years down there because I've been living in County Dublin ever since late 2016.

I've been drawn to the big cities ever since I visited Dublin Zoo as a 7 or 9 year old child. With that said, it is nice to re-visit the countryside where I grew up & walk around smaller villages scattered around Ireland.

Not great at talking about myself so let me share a few quick things before we get back to work.


When I am not writing your next project.


Here is usually what I am doing.

Growth: When I'm not working I'm studying. It is very rare for a day to go by where I don't watch a video about the latest & greatest sales, marketing or copywriting trends from my mentors. To name a few are Jon Benson, Jay White, Ryan Mcgrath & Jason Capital.

Music: The various genres on my Spotify & YouTube playlists would make anybody surprised it was all on the one playlist. You can find both of them easily by typing my name into the search bar on YouTube or Spotify. As I type this up currently listening to Ivan Torrent's full "Reverie" album on YouTube.

Reading: Like the majority of people who land on this website our read book piles would be so high they would make a PHD Professor blush. Topics I read about include human behavior, mindset, personal finance & of course anything that might improve my writing or clients results.

Movies/TV: Stories where a person has to dig deep into their character I really enjoy. Especially when he/she stays true to their moral compass despite the odds like Tony Stark. Highly recommend to watch "Game of Thrones" "Suits", "Billions" & any movie made by Marvel.

Video Games: "Metal Gear Solid" along with "Final Fantasy 7" were huge for me when I was growing up in the middle of nowhere.  In the early 2000's more modern games like "Gears of War" & "Call of Duty" came into play.

As for now, with regret I cannot play "Call of Duty: Mobile" as much as I would like to because my phone memory is too full as I type this.


So I can't update to the newer version. Yet it's more so by design now as I'm being way more productive because of it. Which is a very good thing in the long term both for myself & future clients.


Think I have rambled on enough about myself so to sign off I'll wish you all the best success.


Brendan Ducie 


By the way, r
emember to click on the "contact me" box below now & we'll see how I can help you out with your next project.


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